L'Milmo de Luxe Stella Nova
Born: 2023.07.15.
Breeder: Mrs. Anett Barcsi Tóth and Szilárd Tóth
Owner: Marianna Pakural Badáné
L'Milmo de Luxe Candy Cane Vodka
Il Granaio dei Malatesta Across the Universe
Filter results:
HD-A, ED-O, Patella 0-0
JE/LSD/HUU/NAD: free, prcd-PRA: free
Furnishing: F/F
MYDOGDNA Profile: All free (272/0)
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The first, founding dog of our kennel, an infinitely, kind,
open, energetic, intelligent, beautiful brown female, perfectly adapted to the family. Born in a Hungarian kennel on 2023.07.15. She comes from pure Italian bloodline, has a premium pedigree. She boasts excellent health screenings and show results.
Exhibition results
Hungarian Puppy Grand Winner
Hungarian Junior Champion
Slovak Champion
WDS'24 exc.3 junior class
EDS'24 exc.4/8 junior class
Club Show 2024 BOS CAC
Junior Sarajevo Winner'24
Crufts Qualification
Sarajevo Open Champion
International beauty champion
Hungarian Junior 4x CAC